Aboriginal Recruitment and Career Development Strategy

The department has launched the Aboriginal Recruitment and Career Development Strategy 2020-23  DJPR Aboriginal Recruitment and Career Development Strategy.pdf (PDF 15115.44 KB) PDF icon outlining the department’s commitment to increasing its Aboriginal workforce and creating a culturally inclusive and safe working environment.

The strategy has been developed with four key focus areas:

  • Attraction, Recruitment and Retention
  • Cultural Safety
  • Development and Succession Planning
  • Executive Leadership, Accountability and Monitoring.

Within these four domains, the strategy sets out several priority actions and outcomes that will guide our department towards meeting an overall target of 2% Aboriginal employment by 2023.

Whole of Government Frameworks, Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework 2018-2023 and the Self-Determination Reform Framework highlights the importance of self-determination for Aboriginal people in the workforce and address the need for reform across the people, systems, outcomes and accountability measures.

Both frameworks will launch our department into a new phase of inclusivity and diversity by aligning our programs and policies with the four enablers of self-determination:

  • Prioritise culture
  • Address trauma and support healing
  • Address racism and promote cultural safety
  • Transfer power and resources to communities

The strategy is jointly owned by the Aboriginal Staff Network and the Executive Board which demonstrates the department’s commitment to Aboriginal self-determination. The release of our Aboriginal art and lanyards coincided with the launch of our Strategy and highlights the importance of promoting culture within the workplace.

If you would like to know more about the department and it’s Aboriginal Recruitment and Career Development Strategy, please email aed@ecodev.vic.gov.au or call 03 9651 9999

Page last updated: 6 May 2020